Tower of Hanoi
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Write a function to move n rings from source rod to destination rod, print the moves of each ring.
public static void hanoiMild(int n, char source_rod, char destination_rod, char aux_rod){
Output with 3 rings:
Move ring 1 from source A to destination C
Move ring 2 from source A to destination B
Move ring 1 from source C to destination B
Move ring 3 from source A to destination C
Move ring 1 from source B to destination A
Move ring 2 from source B to destination C
Move ring 1 from source A to destination C
Write a function to move n rings from source rod to destination rod, print the moves of each ring, and the total number of moves. Check if your solution used the least possible number of moves.
public static int hanoiMedium(int n, char source_rod, char destination_rod, char aux_rod){
Output with 3 rings:
(Print moves as shown in previous method)
Total number of moves: 7
The total number of moves (7) is equal to 2^n - 1 (2^3 - 1)
Write a function to move n rings from source rod to destination rod, print the moves of each ring, and the list of rings on each rod after each move.
public static void hanoiSpicy(int n, char source_rod, char destination_rod, char aux_rod){
Current state of rods:
Rod A: 3 2 1
Rod B:
Rod C:
Move disk 1 from Rod A to Rod C
Current state of rods:
Rod A: 3 2
Rod B:
Rod C: 1