HW 09 - Scanner and CodingBat


Part 1:

Go inside the folder homework, and create a subfolder 09_snooze. Inside this folder, you will write the following java file:

NoonSnooze.java: This program should ask the user for a number that represents the number of minutes, snooze, that have elapsed since 12:00 pm (noon) and prints the resulting time. Assume a 12-hour clock (with 'am' and 'pm'). You must not use loops. If the snooze value is negative, print a warning message: "No negative values are allowed".


If the user input is 50, the output should be 12:50 pm

If the user input is 100, the output should be 1:40 pm

If the user input is 721, the output should be 12:01 am

If the user input is 11111, the output should be 5:11 am

If the user input is -10, the output should be No negative values are allowed

Part 2:

Have fun with CodingBat