HW 18 - ArrayList


Save your file here: .../APCSA_1/apcsa-assignments-YourUsername/homework/18_ArrayList/ArrayListPractice.java

A Driver is not needed. You may write the main method in ArrayListPractice.java

  1. Return the sum of all the numbers at even positions in the array list.
public int listSumEvenIndexes(ArrayList<Integer> numsList) {     


listSumEvenIndexes([1, 2, 3, 4]) → 4
listSumEvenIndexes([8, 16, 10]) → 18
listSumEvenIndexes([5, 0, -10]) → -5
  1. An array list contains a list of animals. If the animal is a cat (i.e. the animal's description contains the word "cat" or "Cat"), then add it to a new array list. Return the new array list of cats.
public ArrayList<String> listCatty(ArrayList<String> animalsList) {    


listCatty(["buffalo", "dog"]) → []
listCatty(["bobcat", "siamese cat", "catbird"]) → ["bobcat", "siamese cat", "catbird"]
listCatty(["Cat", "frog", "mouse"]) → ["Cat"]
  1. Return the sum of the numbers in the array list that are odd and have an even index, or the number is even and its index is odd.
public int listFairlyOddNums(ArrayList<Integer> numsList) { 


listFairlyOddNums([1, 2, 3, 4]) → 10
listFairlyOddNums([8, 16, 10]) → 16
listFairlyOddNums([5, 0, 13, 51]) → 18
  1. Complete the classwork ClimbInfo.