
  1. Lesson 02 - GitHub


    Read the Git and GitHub documentation provided in the Tools section.

    Remember the following GitHub actions

    When you work on a machine you never worked before, you should clone your repo:

    git clone SSH_GITHUB_LINK

    Before you start working on any device, the first command you should run is:

    git pull

    When you finish your work:

    • If you added new files and want to track the files, you must run the following command for each file:

            git add FILE_NAME

    • Commit the changes:

            git commit -a -m "COMMIT_MESSAGE"

    • Push the changes o GitHub

            git push

  2. Lesson 01 - Introduction

    Welcome to CS Foundations!

    Please carefully read Classroom and Lab Rules, and our grading policy here.

    You may use the lab machines or your own computers during class.

    Student Accounts

    Each of you has an account on our main server.

    You can use the lab computers to access your account.

    The machines in the lab use the Linux (Mint) operating system.

    Log into the computer

    username: your stuy.edu username, without the @stuy.edu

    password: OSIS + homeroom (eg. 1234567893qq)

    Change your password to a strong password.

    Follow these steps:

    1. Start a terminal window: click on terminal icon or press control + alt + t
    2. Establish a connection to the the central computer:
    	$ ssh      <enter>
    	Answer yes to the "Are your...?" question.
    	The cursor will hide your typing while you enter...
    	password: OSIS + homeroom    <enter>
    1. Request a new password:
    	$ passwd enter
    	Changing password for _____.
    	(current) UNIX password: OSIS + homeroom  <enter>
    	Enter a new UNIX password: yourNewPassword  <enter>
    	Retype new UNIX password:  yourNewPassword  <enter>
    	password: password updated successfully
    1. Log out $ exit